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For your information!
For most people in Canada, winter months cause more chemical, physical, and emotional stress and creates a much greater demand for certain vitamins. 
DID YOU KNOW... some water soluable vitamins should be taken 2-3 times per day?  Are your multivitamins engineered to be taken 1-3 times per day?  If not or you are not sure you can discuss it with Dr. Coleman by emailing him at ...


Cryotherapy (Icing) Instructions:
Due to many different problems, tissues often become inflamed and painful.  Applying ice will often relieve pain and spasm.
Here are some DO's and DON'T's:
-- Ice sprains or strains immediately
--Wrap the ice in a thin cloth
--Use real ice or gel pack that stays flexible when frozen.
--Rest the affected area while icing
--Apply gentle pressure with the ice
--don't ice for more that the prescribed time by your Doctor of Chiropractic
--don't use ice if you have circulation problems
--don't use ifce if you have a hypersensitivity to cold
--don't use ice over skin with suspected frostbite.
Times for areas:
Adults:  12-15 min for neck and areas on arms and legs.
                        20 min for torso and lower back
Children:  (Ages 8 -12)
              8 min for neck and areas on arms and legs
              12 min for torso and lower back

Coleman Chiropractic Clinic  4436-50th Ave. St.Paul, Alberta T0A 3A2  780-645-5793